Tuesday 26 March 2019

How to manifest money

My favourite recent google search I’ve discovered was “How to manifest money”. It ended up being a real lifesaver.

See I was in a pretty frustrating position at the end of 2018. I had started a new role, and knew I was moving from fortnightly payments to monthly, so I knew I needed to have enough money for at least the first month, which I had already saved for.

Then I made the move, I changed companies, and this time I wasn’t receiving a salary, I was invoicing the company. After I made the move, I started asking some more questions an found that, while I thought I was going to be paid within 7 days of invoicing the company at the end of the month (which is what I’d budgeted for), it could actually take the company up to 60 days to pay my invoice after.

Uh oh! Now I needed to stretch my one month budget over 2 months. I needed to figure out my next move.

I called my banks and asked for a 3 month grace period for my loans. They were happy to oblige given my circumstances. I also put all of my business expenditures on hold (I freelance as a business coach also, and pay for advertising, automated emailers, online questionnaires and a whole range of other things as well). I put everything on hold that I could, and then looked at my budget. I was still about $1,000 short for the 2 month period.

So I needed to find a way to manifest that money into my life fast. I started researching “how to manifest money” and the things I found really saved my butt. Here’s the steps I took:

Step 1
I found myself an LOA course specifically dedicated to attracting money into my life. This course was great and it’s something that I can easily use for manifesting any other need in my life.

Step 2
I started accepting abundance. When you’re stretching your budget, you really don’t have a choice but to accept other people paying for stuff for you. At first I was a little stand-offish about going out with my new colleagues to grab a coffee (not with this budget!), but they always offered to pay. As soon as I started accepting these invitations, I started to see more opportunities for abundance in my life. My parents asked me to dinner more (That’s one meal I don’t have to pay for), I started going to more barbecue’s for my family (and took the leftovers home, even more abundance), I saw a return of dividends on a few investments (thank god) and many other examples

Step 3
I visualised my bank account with the exact amount that I needed. Every day. For 30 days straight. I incorporated my sight, sense of smell, sense of touch and sense of sound. Shortly before I sat down to visualise I would pull out of my “Meditation Money” (A wad of $5 notes) and would feel them in my hand, flip them with my thumb to hear the “whoosh” of the money moving, smell them and just soak in their overall presence. This made it much easier to do my visualisations, and after 7 days of doing this, I felt something shift. I felt my anxiety about money disappear and I knew I was looked after by my guardian angels.

Step 4
I practices gratitude for the money I already had, and the things that I was able to buy with that money. At the end of my 5 minute visualisation, I would assign about 30 seconds to list (and feel in my body) all the things I was grateful for that my money afforded me, including:
    • The roof over my head 
    • The food in my belly
    • My comfy bed and pillow (if you don’t have a bambillo pillow you need one!)
    • My ability to pay for travel into the city for my amazing job
    • The clothes on my back
    • The phone that lets me listen to music as I meditate
    • The TV I get to watch to relax after a  long day

Step 5
I started practicing positive affirmations about money. The trick to these (from my research) was to use present tense (as in I already have it) and to never use the negative version (i.e. “I have money” rather than “I am not poor”)
After putting these into practice for the next month, I found myself being faced with many opportunities for abundance. I had an extra coaching client come on board (Which went a good portion of the way to my $1,000 deficit), I had conversations with 3 different friends that shared opportunities that were available to me through (what they called) side hustles; Uber, Menulog and freelance writing (I only ended up taking up the freelance writing option as the other 2 needed me to put forward a bit of money to get started), and I changed my relationship with money completely. I also managed to get about $1,500 over that 30 day period, helping me to close that gap I was so worried about.

Before doing this, I saw money as the root of all evil. It was the thing that caused me anxiety because I was so reliant on it. If I had no money, it meant I couldn’t pay my bills and that I couldn’t eat. Now I see money as just another form of energy, neither good nor bad, and always n flow. It was when I was trying to hold too tightly to money that I WAS THE ONE STOPPING THE FLOW of this energy. As soon as I started to allow my money to flow (spend on things I needed) money found a way to flow back to me.

For the link to the course that I followed in step 1, click here